Polygon Triangulation

A Project by Christopher R. Wicks
for Computational Geometry
Rochester Institute of Technology
Fall 2016 Semester

View the Project on GitHub wickstopher/triangulation

To build and run the project from source, download the above .zip file or tarball and check out the README file. Prerequisites for building the project from include GNU Make, the Java 8 SDK, and Apache Maven.

You can also simply download a prebuilt executable JAR file of the application and run it in the usual way (Java 8 required).

Project Introduction

Plane-sweep algorithms are a fundamental way of conceptualizing an algorithmic solution to many problems in computational geometry. They involve moving a figurative hyperplane across an n-dimensional space, processing event points as we bump up against their physical location. Since we will be dealing with 2 dimensions, the hyperplane is in fact a line, and for our purposes we will refer to these algorithms as "sweep-line" algorithms. These algorithms tend to be intuitive in explanation, but can contain a lot of moving parts, which leads to the fact that implementation details and deeper understanding can often be elusive.

In this project, an attempt is made at visualizing a two-phase sweepline algorithm for triangulating arbitrary closed polygons. The first phase of the algorithm decomposes the input polygon into simpler, x-monotone polygons, and the second phase further simplifies the sub-polygons by decomposing them into triangles.

Technologies Used in this Project
